2025 Winter Seminar Recap

Thanks to everyone who was able to attend our 2025 Winter Seminars. If you weren’t able to attend, or would like a refresher, we’ve made our presentations available for you.

Basics of Biology & Soil Health

Dean and Ken review Basic principles of biological farming and cover topics of soil tilth, soil structure, residue management, water use efficiency, nutrient efficiency, and managing air and water in your soil.

Seed Treatments, Starters, and Biology

Gary reviews the efficiency of banding fertilizer and the importance of starter fertilizers that are buffered and balanced with biology.

The Potassium Battery & Soil / Plant Nutrient Uptake

Mike discusses the Soil/Plant nutrient uptake relationship and the Potassium Battery. He reviews some of the importance of Potassium to grow good crops.

Farm Different - Building Fertility & Yields with Cost Savings Strategy

Derek shares several cost saving ideas for the agricultural industry and reviews numerous on farm trials and shares data on his experiences.

Using Biology to Maximize Soil Nutrient-Plant Relationships

Dr. Ronnie Heiniger, N.C. State University, Professor in the Department of Crop and Soils Sciences shares some good information on Managing for High Yields by implementing biology into your fertility program. He reviews some research and trials on several fertilizers and biological products.

Managing Crops Season Long

Ken reviews different methods for late season foliar applications and the importance of managing your crops season long to ensure highest yields and returns.

Disease and Insect Prevention and Management

Mike reviews the importance of biology to help suppress and prevent insect and disease infestation. He explains some principles and practices to assist with management of these potential issues.

Calcium, Biology, and Nutrient Management in Crops

John Daniel discusses the importance of Calcium and Biology in your fertility programs. He also reviews several starter plots to show the importance of using starter fertilizer to maximize your crops potential.

Foliar Feeding with Silica

Greg discusses the use of Silica in foliar applications and the benefits of adding CropSil silica to your fertility plan in the management of your crops.